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FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®)
History Main | 1992: MAIZE CRAZE | 1993: RUG RAGE | 1994: TOWER POWER | 1995: RAMP N' ROLL | 1996: HEXAGON HAVOC | 1997: TOROID TERROR | 1998: LADDER LOGIC | 1999: DOUBLE TROUBLE | 2000: CO-OPERTITION FIRST | 2001: DIABOLICAL DYNAMICS | 2002: ZONE ZEAL | 2003: STACK ATTACK | 2004: FIRST FRENZY | 2005: TRIPLE PLAY | 2006: AIM HIGH | 2007: RACK N' ROLL | 2008: OVERDRIVE | 2009: LUNACY® | 2010: BREAKAWAY | 2011: LOGOMOTION | 2012: REBOUND Rumble | 2013: Ultimate Ascent | 2014: Aerial Assist | 2015: Recycle Rush | 2016: Stronghold | 2017: Steamworks | 2018: PowerUp
2015: Recycle Rush

The 27 ft. by 54 ft. playing Field is bisected by a small Step which may not be climbed on or crossed by Robots. Thus each Alliance competes on their respective 26 ft. by 27 ft. side of the Field.
Each RECYCLE RUSH Match begins with a 15-second Autonomous Period in which Robots operate independently of their drivers. During this period, Robots attempt to move themselves, their Yellow Totes, and their Recycling Containers into the area between the scoring platforms, called the Auto Zone. Additional points are awarded if the Yellow Totes are arranged in a single stack.

During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the Match, called the Teleop Period, Robots are controlled remotely by student drivers located behind the walls at the ends of the Field. Teams on an Alliance work together to place as many Totes on their Scoring Platforms as possible. Alliances earn additional points for Recycling Containers placed on the scored Totes, with Recycling Containers at greater heights earning more points.
Alliances also earn points for disposing of their Litter in either their Landfill Zone (the area next to the Step marked by the white line) or placing Litter in or on scored Recycling Containers. Alliances that unscored leave Litter on their side of the Field at the end of the match add points to the score of the other Alliance, as it is considered unprocessed and not properly disposed of.

Points for the Match are awarded based on the state of the scored objects at the end of the Match (with the exception of Coopertition Points, which can be earned at any point during the Match).
To rank well during qualification matches, and advance through the playoff matches to the finals, teams will want to work to maximize their score for each match. Except for the final matches, winners of individual matches will not be declared, as this has no direct bearing on tournament performance in RECYCLE RUSH.
2015 FIRST Game Rules - includes Manuals, Team Updates, Q&A
2015 Awards List
51 Teams attended the 2015 SBPLI Long Island Regional. 607 Teams attended the 2015 Championship in St. Louis. 2892 Teams participated in the 2015 FIRST season at 110 separate official events:
The five District event areas were: